Spidey 3 on a Sunday


Today, after the not-so-warm re-union of our band, I felt like the lazy arse that I occassionally am. It is wonderful to just sit in my room to drink coffee, read newspaper and listen to some good old alternative rock radio. That was all because my roomie had gone home. Wow, I love it when I get privacy now.

This photograph actually came in today's TOI. On the book-review section there was an article reviewing the book 'Nirvana', written by some friend of Courtney Love. I don't remember her name. It was interesting reading the article and it has re-implanted my desire to read biographies of bands.

Anyway, this photo is quite catchy. It is my mobile's wallpaper now.

The good never lasts long enough. My roomie came back in the afternoon and after I had to go out. Instead of going to Xander's, I chose to watch Spidey 3. I went to Regal's 4 O'Clock show. I was thankful that I had decided to opt out of a shave at the barber's (after my hair cut) when I got the last seat in the 4th row from the screen.

The movie is long and it a little too much of teeny-emotions in there. And then there is a distinct 'goodness' theme in the movie where even villains have good motives. But it is still a Marvel Comic movie. Therefore, I give it 3 stars out of five.

Coinicidentally Ray also watched the movie today and he also felt the same.

I also caught up with Dr. R. after a long time. He was his usual self; uncomfortably ageing.
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