New Unit, New Life

From today on, I'm starting to work in my parent 'unit', one of the teams of doctors in the hospital, which works on the Tuesday emergency. This is my final year and I have more responsibilities than ever. This includes managing my professor and his idioscyncrasies. But I'm taking it in a good spirit.

Apart from being 'lighter' (meaning more relaxed) than the last three of my six-month posts, this is going to be the one in preparation for my exam. Besides, I'll hopefully get some time to read my novels and spend time with music in whichever way things progress.

Today is an emergency for us. But as it is a holiday and becuase the legacy of my last professor still lingers; I'm making a PowerPoint presentation for him for a lecture, I'm at the computer and not at the emergency.

Haha, funny isn't it? I'm still being 'used' for my computer skills.

Not only this, but in future projects as well, my former professor, who I'm almost in awe of at the end of post just ended, has asked me to help him out with computers.

I think I'll still be the proverbial tail-wagging bitch hoping to impress her master at each and every second of my life.

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Engayging Life has fully moved to WordPress

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