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  • What are the odds of a 28 year old graduate getting malnourished in a metropolis? Not too high. But the scary fact is that I might very well be. It has been over a week since I had some ‘sabji’. I have been eating dosas, noodles, home-made rice soup and coffee. And in this period, I have had two eggs, a piece of chicken and half a carton of milk. No wonder, why I felt rather tired and giddy yesterday at the gig.

  • AV’s insomnia is worsening. The sedatives that were prescribed to him have seemingly lost their effect and he was prescribed a new medication. This time it’s an antidepressant, one which is not regularly prescribed for inducing sleep. Naturally, I’m worried to death. Nowadays, he spends almost 20 hours of day in bed. The other four is the time he spends with me. I’m trying to make him do something by asking my friends to ask him out. And guess what, he says ‘no’ to every such invites!

  • They say adversity is the most inspiring stimulus for an artist. It surely does seem to be for me. In the last week or so, I have been able to construct a few chord progressions and melodies. It came at the right time for me as I was really wondering if I had lost the art altogether. The only problem that is left is that I should try and write a few lines for these tunes. I really suck at poetry.

  • My good friend May committed something sinful last week. She had this crush on this rather successful, geeky guy from the states. She had stumbled on to him on his Facebook profile. Since then both of them had been chatting and exchanging messages occasionally. Without even thinking twice, she put across the question ‘Are you interested in me for a relationship’ clothed in a not-so-elaborate conversation across text chat. The guy, understandably so, was a little confused and conveyed that he didn’t think so. She’s sad. Oh I wish she had waited and played along the rules. What do you guys think? I say you should never propose over text-chat!


Terra Shield said...

Looks like you most probably had some protein deficiency. Malnourishment happens..

Prash said...

I say you should never propose over text-chat!


adversity is the most inspiring stimulus for an artist

I totally agree

You eat no bread ? no chapati or naan or roti ?

Kris Bass said...

@ Terra shield: That's scary. I don't want to look like a marasmic kid. Kwashiorkar ain't too happening as well.

@ Prash: Well, hardly any. Because it's a little expensive for me. I have wheat bread though - have toasts occasionally.

Firebolt said...

I don't know what to say. You need to eat, man. You need lots of energy to keep yourself standing up and playing on the stage.

Adversity may be inspiring, but I could never work on an empty stomach.

Can't you do anything about it?

Anonymous said...

eat well u dumbo!

Kris Bass said...

@ Firebolt: I know. I know. But there is a 'restrictive' financial status element to it. We're hoping things would turn around soon.

@ Chandni: Okay Madam!

Anonymous said...

Realising more and more that health is indeed wealth. Take care!
All the best with your composition. May be you should get one of your friends who is good in poetry to help you out. :)

Kris Bass said...

@ myheadtrip: You might be in for a surprise sometime soon! Look out!

Anonymous said...

Kris Kris Kris!
Please do eat, if you're feeling weak! You don't look the sort with any excess fat on you, so you have no fat reserves to provide energy! You really don't want to mess up your health because...

1. You've got someone else's health to worry about.
2. You HAVE to finish your degree, to be able to earn enough to go abroad
3. You are not willing to leave your band presently, and you do need some energy to hang on to it.

As for the financial crisis, you'll have to see how you can ration out your expenditures. Why does rice cost so much, all of a sudden? I'm sceptical about that claim of yours!

Yes, adversity and melancholia are the most stimulating factors as far as creativity is concerned.

Yes, your friend did a foolish thing. One should only flirt online, at the most. Not put anything across in such blatant terms. I hope she gets past this...

Kris Bass said...

@ Unsungpsalm: Okay, okay - I will eat. What do you really mean to say when you said 'You aren't willing to leave your band presently?'

Who said anything about rice being pricey. It's the cheapest thing. In fact, that's the only thing that I have! The others are more expensive!

She's getting better! She says thanks!

Rambunctious WhipperSnapper said...

What happens on voice-chat, stays on voice chat. :P :P

Praveen said...

cool blog u got man..loved the bits on independence rock...and yeah 'hey there alan':d

Firebolt said...

I hate it when this happens:

So, when is the record company gonna pay up?

Kris Bass said...

@ ramby: Hey good to see ya back! But I didn't totally get that though? What are you suggesting that voice-chat ain't all that cool? I and Vinokur depend on that for our fucken lives man!

@ Praveen: Hey, thanks for dropping by! And I guess you like corniness! ;)

@ Firebolt: We don't know. Maybe this week! Fingers and toes double-crossed! ;)

Rambunctious WhipperSnapper said...

It was a play on the phrase "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas".

*falls flat on his face*

Kris Bass said...

@ rambws: Okay, okay. I'm a little dumb...

Rambunctious WhipperSnapper said...

On the contrary, it was a sad joke on my part ....

Rita said...

Everybody makes mistakes in judgment & it is so easy to do in text chat situations, when you are relying on conversation alone. I hope your friend is able to put this behind her. The world is a tough enough place without us beating ourselves up.

Of course taking care of your own health is important. Being able to do it, as you illustrate is sometimes another story...

I admire your obvious zeal for your art. It's apparent that it is a real priority in your life. This as well as your talent are ingredients for success.

Kris Bass said...

@ rambws: Come on ramby! Remember you are too good for lame jokes. It must have been me! ;)

@ handmaiden: She's doing alright I guess as she claims she half expected it. And yeah, I'm pretty point-headed about music.

sulz said...

what's sabji?

about your girl friend, yeah she probably should've waited. but maybe he was taken aback by her question that his first instinct was no? there might be hope if he's still talking to her...

Solitaire said...

Why is V prescribed anti-depressants? Hope he gets back to his normal routine soon.

Kris Bass said...

@ sulz: Sabji - vegetables! I will try to coaxe her into taking that same path.

@ Solitaire: It beats me too! It's trazadone now. The 'normal' routine for him is to be put on antipsychotics, mood-stabilizers, sedatives and anti-depressants. Nothing new here! ;) :(

Tazeen said...

Adversity, heck no.

I need all the TLC in the world to be creative. Adversity will only make me kill myself.

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Engayging Life has fully moved to WordPress

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