
She was combing her hair, staring at her rather prolific curls at the mirror. She had tried to straighten them out over the past few months but had to give up the idea altogether. She remembered the time when she was not so sure about her looks. That had changed so dramatically after Manoj entered her life about a year back and she had fallen in love for the first time. ‘Maybe, I’m beautiful after all.’ she thought.

The ring of the phone was greeted with gleeful surprise.

‘Hey, how are you my sweet lady! Oh, I have been missing you!’

‘I’ve been missing you too. How are you? Everything going okay?’

‘Yes, everything fine. Lately, there have been some activity at a border post a bit north. But nothing here. Don’t worry.’

‘Oh, how can I not worry? I want to spend my life with you and you are out there shooting at terrorists! I have seen so many news stories in the channels about new attacks. I’m scared Manu, I really am!’

‘Come on honey… you know it’s my job. I can’t leave that. And I’m proud doing that. Don’t worry, I’ll be coming back to you intact. Just keep yourself pretty enough to surprise me.’

‘Oh, I will. I love you Manu… I love you!’

‘I love you too, honey. Talking about love, I’m getting some bad dreams lately. I dreamed of somebody coming and stealing you from my life…’

‘Aww, come on! You know I will all be yours. I love you and I mean it. Nothing could ever come between us. Don’t you worry about it, honey! I love you, remember!’

‘Okay, honey. I trust you. I have to hang up now and go back to work. I’ll call you tomorrow okay?’

‘Do remember to call me. I get scared if you don’t. Even a slight delay scares me.’

‘No, I will. I promise. Let me say goodbye. Love you!’

‘I love you too. Good bye.’
As she put back the receiver on the cradle, she was amused by the childish foolishness of Manoj. How could something threaten their relationship which was built in stone? She wanted to laugh it off.

She was at her office washing her lunch box. She turned on the faucet even more so that none could hear her gentle sobs. The last two days were unimaginably wild. She had run into her college mate at the mall the day before. Samuel seemed to have lost a lot of weight and gained a couple of decades of wisdom. He had initiated it, and one thing had led to another and they ended up in making love in his bedroom.

She had woken up earlier than usual to an intense headache. It must have been the extra drink that she had yesterday night at the pub. She looked over and saw his lithe body sprawled over the other side of the bed covered with the luscious fabric. He was everything that she had wanted but he was just a year too late. He had a day job and had an apartment in the nearby neighborhood.

She woke him up and told him about Manoj. He took it well. He said that it was okay and they could just be friends. They could just keep the relationship right there; stagnate it and not let it advance. She had felt guilty and hopeful at the same time. As she left the apartment, he had given her a light kiss on her lips…
‘Is everything alright?’ her colleague asked as he went past to the pantry.

‘Yes, I’m okay. Thanks!’

‘Hey, how are you?’

‘I’m okay. It is getting very cold here though. How are you?’

‘Well, I am okay. I wanted to know if you were alright?’

‘I’m fine. Is everything alright?’


‘What’s wrong? Is your mother okay?’

‘She’s fine. It’s not that. It’s something else…’

‘What is it, Pooja?’

‘Well, I don’t know how to say this… I love you, more than ever… but I have a crush on someone else?’

‘Wha… ‘

‘Are you alright? I’m sorry honey. It was so fast that it hit me before I realized it. Are you okay? I’m sorry…’

‘Yes, I’m okay. A little scared.’

‘Come on, don’t get scared. You know nothing could stop us. You have my word for it.’

‘Who is it?’

‘It’s Samuel… my friend from college... the guy who I had a crush on while I was in my second year. We had gotten high and ended up sleeping with each other. But don’t worry. We have talked about it. We are not seeing each other any more. I’m sorry… I’m really sorry Manu. I love you!’

‘Are you alright? Was I mean? Did I hurt you?’


‘I love you, you know that!’

‘I … love you too… but I’m… scared.’

‘Please Manoj, forgive me. I have wronged. I need another chance.’

‘I’ll call you back!’ and he hung up.

He didn’t call her back. And there was no way that she could reach him. A few days letter, she received a letter from him.
‘Dear Pooja,

I respect your honesty and sincerity and our love. I love you and hence, I want you to be happier. I'm far away and my work commitments prevent me from being with you. I think that I should allow you to live your life with Samuel, who should be able to be with you and give you the physical company that you need. I want to end our relationship in a dignified manner. I’m sorry that you can’t take part in this decision. I wanted it that way, so as to ensure your happiness.

I will love you forever. Be happy.



Samuel was reading the newspaper when he saw something familiar. It was the advertisement that had made him buy that lovely pink saree for Pooja. ‘I must tell Pooja to wear that saree more often.’ he thought as he dialed her number. It took 10 rings before someone picked it up. 

‘Hey Pooja, how are you?’



‘Hello? Pooja?’


‘Who… is speaking?’

‘Hello, hello… may I speak to Pooja please?’

‘Sorry sir, I’m inspector Ramesh speaking. We got this phone from the river-side yesterday night. It probably is the phone of the woman whose body we found yesterday night ...’


Anonymous said...

omg! that was so close to an incident from my personal life that happened recently. thx.

Kris Bass said...

DISCLAIMER: The above story is an act of fiction and any resemblances to real life characters is totally intentional.

Rambunctious WhipperSnapper said...

Ok, good one. I though Manoj was going to die by the end of the story. I know, I can be so cliche sumtimes. Nice twist.

Anonymous said...

A fabulous twist. Good to see that she remained faithful, though.

Tazeen said...

good one

do you write professionally?

pepe M. said... must be inspired by whippy no? darn, wish i could be fluent! loveeeee it!

Prash said...

Somehow i guessed the end, I didn't know why !

But it is so stupid of the guy (even if the girl didn't die) just to end things like that. Infidelity is comprehensible and not a sin or crime...oh boy ! Am I too influenced by the French thoughts ! But again, maybe it is just me...who can differentiate "sex" and "love"...

Anonymous said...

Ohh boy!!
Why she had to die? And what did the guy think? Mistakes happen but ending relation this way? **shudders**

and everyone's in story telling mood. :P

Kris Bass said...

Everybody, I had this impulse to write a short story. Basically I want to convince myself that even I could do it.

The end result came out to be rather amateur piece of prose which I decided to post anyways.

I personally think that its too long and the characters are not portrayed vividly. The ending is too bollywoodish as well. I know it's bad.

I was even thinking of writing an edited version. Or even better, I invite all of you to edit the story and make it better. Maybe a totally different ending?

Anyway, now I'll comment to you individually.

Kris Bass said...

@ Roop: I'm sorry to hear this. But if you could, could you explain what happened. I mean to say can you tell me what Manoj, Samuel and Pooja did eventually in your case? And why are you thanking me?

@ rambws: Seriously? Good one? Nice twist. I get the feeling that you are mocking me.

@ Unsungpsalm: You too? And is being faithful and dishonest is acceptable?

@ Tazeen: Thanks! In my dreams! I wish to write in the future!

@ Pepe: I'm inspired by Chandni, rambws etc. And thank you. I think you guys don't read enough good stuff. I mean, how can you guys like this?

@ Prash: You guessed the end? And you are okay with it? Well, I agree. Infidelity is not a sin or a crime. Maybe, the distance is a different issue?

Honestly, I can differentiate sex and love. Easy. Sex means just fun. Love means hard work.

Blogging Knight: She had to die because I had to end the story. And the guy (I presume Manoj) thought that he was preventing her from being happy. He thought that Pooja deserved to be loved and cared for at the same time be near with the one who does that. Since in his case it was not practicable, he thought so.

Ending a relationship is stupid thing. But then, see... I want to highlight the lack of communication options. If you were together in the same physical space, Pooja could have intervened. But he was far, far away.

Prash said...

I find the girl's decision stupip, not to mention the idiotic idea of breaking up just because of an one-night stand with an old friend...shouldn't the bf (or husband in this case?!) try to be more is a long-distant relationships.

According to me, it never works (please don't take it bad, i gather that you are in one with Vinokur right now)...even if it does, it is very hard and difficult. The couple only sees the suffering in that relationship.

Kris Bass said...

@ Prash: The decision to suicide? Or the decision to sleep with someone else? The boyfriend erred and because of the distance and incommunicado, the girlfriend couldn't intervene.

Watch us honey! We'll prove you wrong!

*The Godly Vinokur smiles at you atop clouds*

Anonymous said...

Well i know you guys will make it kris. **fingers crossed**
But like Prash said: I too am very skeptical about long term relationships. :P

But still, so what the boyfriend couldn't understand her? Ain't there any other solutions except suicide? Of course there are. Poor girl, she couldn't understand it.

Rambunctious WhipperSnapper said...

Why would you think that?

And in my opinion and my opinion only, when someone appreciates something, one shouldn't go "You guys don't read good things". I mean no one says things they don't mean. I mean do people do that??

Anonymous said...

Do revisit this story in a decade or so. I would be curious how you will rewrite in after a period of living, loving and life experiences.

Even now, I like it as you have written it.

A well wisher in NYC

Anonymous said...

am a lil disappointed with the last bit ..the ending seems as if done in a hurry. am getting this itch to edit the ending bit. other than that i was pretty much hooked on....DElhBOi

Kris Bass said...

@ BK: Keep your fingers crossed. ;) We need your help!

@ Ramby: I'm not being critical actual. Just saracastic!

@ awwiNYC: I'm already willing to change it. No need for a decade!

@ DelhiBOI: You may, please!

Reema said...

hmmm telling u frankly I do not understand how does one thing lead to another when one is committed to someone else? thats where the control matters. whats the need to go to a pub? go to a cafe instead and have a chat and leave. simple. I feel people invite trouble themselves.

Kris Bass said...

You really think so? Control matters? You might just be driving down a dagger down my spine!

Reema said...

Errr meaning??? I thought it was fiction and I can express my view freely!!

Kris Bass said...

Fiction is inspired by experience! Hence the reaction!

srijithunni said...

I came over here from solitaire's blog, in which you'd said that you had made a lame attempt at writing a story.. I must tell you it isn't all that lame. You have a way with words.. :)

Kris Bass said...

Thank you! I feel better!

Anonymous said...

waah waah!

What a story! u need to write such stuff more often!!

Kris Bass said...

Whoa! That too from a writer! Seriously? I'm already encouraged!

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