The dark, menacing clouds were looming high over my head. It had been raining all throughout yesterday and today. The whole town was flooding. I knew I had to escape this. As I was pacing through the dirt-path, I remembered that I needed to cross the river; the angry, violent force of water. Across it lay the land of peace, happiness and freedom.Wondering what this is all about? Well, during my childhood, a traumatic one at that, my weekends were more painful. Incredible for a kid who goes to school, right? I'm not talking about you brats who enjoyed a memorable growing-up-time with a warm household to spend it in!
Soon, I’m greeted by the haunting sound of water. I knew that it was near, it was the test of my life. And I saw it! The wide, brooding body of water which had turned into a wild monster after all the torrential downfall. I was scared of reaching near enough to take a closer look at it. I ran for a mile or two along its side. It only got more threatening.
Then I saw it. The rope bridge strung across the couple of miles of madness was swaying in the wind. I walked slowly towards my destiny. I had to be strong. I had to prove myself. Soon I found myself walking on the rope bridge clinging to my life. I tried hard to not look down. The river seemed to have widened to the dimension of a lake but retains its ferocity. I wished if things were not so tough in my life.
My mother had her share of problems with her in-laws to the extent that she had to go over to her folks place and spend the weekend there in order to 'enjoy' it. She used to take me and my sister along without even passing a thought if our lives were getting affected. I had to miss all of my regular friends who listened to music (yes, I used to listen to music when I was a kid!), played cricket and hung out with.
I was stranded at this godforsaken, conservative part of town with kids who liked chanting hymns to reading comics. No friends and extremely boring. My giant, forgettable grandfather and the dysfunctional conversations that my Mom used to have with her folks used to scare me (they still haunt me). I used to try in every way to get away from all this to find something better to do.
Strangely enough, I chose something that I was scared of. Right next to this place was the biggest river in Thiruvananthapuram (Karamana river - Wiki, Map). I would go sit by the river, throw stones at it etc, despite my phobia. The 'good' part of the town lay across the river and I always wished if I could cross over and be with my friends and be happy.
Apart from this, I remember that I was stranded in a boat in the middle of the Thekkady lake during a vacation trip. The light was dimming and there was the risk of not being rescued. I really thought that I would find myself in the obituary section of the newspaper the headline of which would be 'School kids drown in the lake'.
Coming back to life - I still have problems with large bodies of water. And I can't still swim. I have real problem in bathing on streams/waterfalls etc. And I don't even know how I will feel on a cruise ship.
(Image courtesy 1 - , 2 - Keralamist)
yeah sometimes dreams are really strange. You see all those things you haven't seen in your life and reminds you everything.
I liked the idea to document the dream :D
I have strange dreams and I don’t seem to vividly remember them. But I have come to one conclusive answer- that we generally dream about everything that haunts us, bothers us and excites us all thru the day! For e.g. if I think of someone badly, I am most likely to dream about him/her that nite..
Even I have weird phobias like I can’t ever sleep alone in the room. I’ve stopped watching films like The Exorcist, The Ring etc and don't even get me talking abt my many eerie experiences of Déjà vu
@ Blogging Knight: Apparently, it's very cool to do this. I haven't any references. Just Vinokur's advice.
@ Swats: But you know what, the scientific way of treating phobias is to by controlled exposure and desensitizing them.
dreams are the unedited scenes
of the life you did not live.-q
it's long so u should wait till after the big night.
I have dreamed in my dreams, and I have made myself trying to record what I dreamed of because I, most often, forget what the dream was about!!
It's quite cool. I think dreams have their own memory and when you think that you have forgotten the dream next morning, it suddenly appears three years later connecting some other's so weird..
I had a dream of visitng, Manolia, of all places and flying in gobi desert some 5 years back. and I was back there agian last night on my trip to chile ;)
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