My newfound lust

Today morning, I got up reading a message from my senior. He wanted me to come early for rounds. That sounded suspicious. Suspicious of the fact whether he finally came to know that I hung out a lot at the apartment these days. I quickly got ready and reached the hospital.

As usual, Mr. he-bitch came late. But his attitude sort of confirmed my suspicion. He was sort of more aggressive and demanding. No whining suited to the bitchiness that he's known for. But still.

After having wound up everything on my side in the hospital, here I'm figuring out if my lust for LCD/TFT monitors can be substantiated or not. I am still 50 50. But I so want to have a sleek looking LCD monitor in my room where I can read up a lot from the web.

S., my old drum partner, whose family I had issues with once, might be coming to Mumbai to study Audio engineering. That's one good news.

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