
I was going through the technorati page for my blog and I noticed I hardly have anybody who has a link to my blog. There were just three blogs which had my blog listed on them. I was checking out what kinda stuff they had and I stumbled on this link which tested the gayness of any person.

Believe it or not, I came up with a paltry 33% which is 'too-straight'!

Should I be happy or unhappy?

1 comment:

flygye12 said...

i got a 42%. the way the questions were, i.e., stereotype gay, i was thinking i'll get 11% or something

Engayging Life has moved to WordPress

Engayging Life has fully moved to WordPress

Yes, I am alive and I'm still blogging. Regularly. But on WordPress because offers an easier workflow for me. Here is a selection of wh...