The break

I was waiting all of the day for the time when I would get free and go to Xander's. As usual, things went wrong at the wrong times in the hospital meaning that I was unable to even find time to take some rest in between.

I'd actually wanted to finish 2 of the three errands businesses that have been remaining pending for some time now. Because of the dearth of time, I'd to choose one. I chose going to the Hutch office and sorting out my bill issues. To my happiest surprise, the last month's bill only amounted to just 970 Rs. That includes all the GPRS browsing that I did. That's just awesome!

Now, 2 things remain. My subwoofer which is for repair and my guitar which is messed up in the issue regarding the validity of the warranty in the electronic parts of the guitar.

Finally, when I got free, I decided to buy some beef fry and Parottas for Xander. He, like me, misses food most after leaving Kerala. On the way I bumped into a computer owner in the hostel and chatted up about my purchase. I did gain some insight on the subject which is taking all of my attention these days.

It was around 10.40 when I reached Xander's. I was surpirsed not to find Perry there; he had become a likeable but predictable company during my latest visits to Xander's place. Even more surprising, two new persons - Sundace a colleague of Xander who is lot into alternative music and M. who was Xander's college mate.

Sundace took me by surprise because of her sex (I'm very not used to hanging out with females), her physique (chubby, lots of boobyland), her likes (Alternative rock from Lifehouse to Collective Soul to John Mayor to Alice in Chains) and cheerfulness.

M. is into movie production and similar stuff. He has this amazing tattoo on his right arm. He is the kind of dumbish person who always laughs. Never sounds or looks serious. He also had this stupidly funny sounding 'My Grandfather in law did this, didn't do this' joke line. I've not heard of that before.

Although we tried jamming, becuase of so many reasons, the main being the fact that Xander wasn't focussed like he normally is, our jam sessions was a drag. Honestly, too many gaps and pauses. I had this feeling that Xander was purposefully doing this to maybe highlight the point that he had stated earlier; that his 'flow in music' was fading away due to the scarcity of my visits and jam sessions.

But the most fun part was that the jokes and sarcasm in the weird conversation that we all had till we slept. I enjoyed that a lot!

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Engayging Life has moved to WordPress

Engayging Life has fully moved to WordPress

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