Unipolar Hemiarthroplasty

On the day on which I did my first ever Orthapaedic major surgery called 'Unipolar Hemiarthroplasty', something even bigger happened. Since I committed myself big time in the first part of the sentence before, I might as well as dwell on that for sometime.

Yes, I did something huge. Yesterday night, I spent about 6 hours refreshing everything about the particular surgery as well as about a million pages of anatomy pertaining to that particular region.

On the morning, I reached the theatre very early. The case was posted first on the list. My Prof explained the procedure that he was about to let me perform. I was a little surprised to know that he was doing it in his very own custom way. At first, I was a bit disappointed with that. Later on in the day, I came to know that he is so good at this surgery that he does this major surgery in 8 fucken minutes. Skin to skin that is.

I did almost everything in the surgery. My general surgical technique which could best be termed as jurassic, delayed the surgery by 10 minutes more than the average time taken by an expert surgeon (around 30 minutes). I am very happy to admit that I was better than what I had hoped to be. I think my Professor was in general satisfied with my performance.

I was planning to buy the whole unit lunch -- a Biriyani. But some gaps in communication meant that the plan didn't materialize.

Anyway, I did something huge. And I'm in love with my Prof more than ever. No, not in true 'Love'; in it's purest meaning... but stil. I also learnt that he is one of the most gifted surgical hands that I can hope to work with. Thinking of it, I knew that right from the start. I firmly believe that a gay person can look at someone and say that they are gifted. I also firmly believe that such a skill is not possessed by any straight person.

I think this post has become so self-centric that I'll post again about the other BIG thing which happened today.

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