The Uncanny X-man in me

I've had a rough day. And that too, despite having a good practice session with Noise Market and an amazing GB Parents meet. I don't know why I'm kinda pissed at myself and the rest of the world. The reason is quite obvious - the lack of money and the fact that I'll probably be devoid of internet and mobile phone services the next month if no money comes in.

Even in this state, the only thing that could really cheer me up is a couple of episodes in the X-men animated series in which I was pleasantly surprised by the amazing depth of the plot. And after watching Magneto doing one of the coolest things that anyone could imagine doing - dying and falling to Earth from space and getting your life back because of Earth's Magnetic Field and then fighting off 198 Nuclear missiles headed at earth - I'm feeling happy again.

I remembered that I needed to blog. And that I needed to blog about X-men. And that I needed to convince more people that I'm a mutant as I claimed yesterday. So, here's photographic evidence to prove that I'm related to Storm as well. First is a picture of me. Second, of Storm. I urge you all to find your mutation as soon as possible and come out on your blogs!

Me (Kris)

For all the people who suddenly felt the need for 'knowing' me better after reading this, don't get your hopes up too high. I don't have any of Storm's weather controlling powers and thereby, I can't avert the floods in Bihar, Nasik, Orissa etc. For those who are curious as what my mutant powers are, check my last post out!

(PS: For those dimwits who thought that the title is weird and is out of topic, please note that 'Uncanny X-men' is the flagship comic series for the X-men franchise as Wiki says here!)

(PS2: For these, now enlightened people, and to those fans of X-men who admire my amazing powers to make titles up - all of you can now bow to my superior skills to form blog titles.)


Stray said...

Bow wow. :)

Kris Bass said...

@ Thank you! :)

Prash said...

Now, I have to REALLY wiki the X-Men out ...will do it when I am in a cool and chill mood.

Kris Bass said...

@ Prash: I tell you, it's going to be worth the effort!

Engayging Life has moved to WordPress

Engayging Life has fully moved to WordPress

Yes, I am alive and I'm still blogging. Regularly. But on WordPress because offers an easier workflow for me. Here is a selection of wh...