Purchasing a new camera for Chuck

Now that I’m back from the wedding which presented me with a lot of problems, I want to present Chuck with a good digital camera. I want to buy him something which is much better than the one I lost for him. I guess my intention was to get him to appreciate my generosity and thoughtfulness.

I had a two major options. One was to purchase a decent quality camera from the white market. That would be easy and safe. The other option was to buy one from the grey market. It was riskier, but I could go for much better cameras in the same budget.

I don’t know if by luck or not, I happened to get in touch with a friend of mine who knew someone who knew a lot about making great purchases at the grey market. I decided to go for it. I bought a cool looking Nikon Coolpix 3200.

The feature list impressive. The shopowner had high opinions. I had high hopes.

But during the first two hours with the camera itself, I had a lot of trouble taking photographs in dark light situations. I feared the worst. I fear that my judgment was bad. Mainly because of the fact that A.’s camera, a Canon Powershot A400 was taking great photos in the same situation and that the same camera was available in slightly higher price range in the white market.

I think I’ve messed up again. And I wanted to so badly impress Chuck.

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