Dousing fires with ink

Yesterday was an easier night in the hospital. When I reached the hospital, I didn't find anybody to relieve. I was angered by the fact that the rest of the unit were plotting on 'making use' of me in whichever dirty way they could think of. Therefore, I was slightly upset. Thankfully, I had a book to read in between taking care of the patient. I managed to get some sleep in little stretches. That probably helped me cool down. By dawn, I was feeling much better. And I gave vent to my feelings through the pen; I wrote another poem. I couldn't complete it though because I had to come back and get freshened up before going back to the hospital for morning rounds.

The poem did such wonders that I maintained a pleasant face all through out. I didn't get mad at anyone. Another thing worked for me. I discovered a lot of common interests between myeself and the rest of the senior staff of my unit. The Chief and a Assistant Professor were musically inclined. The chief is taking keyboard lessons and the the other Assistant Professor is a vocalist. The realization came when we were chatting to a very 'famous' (the news about his admission was all over the papers for a weird reason) patient in our wards. He himself was a professional keyboardist. While talking about his profession on the bedside, we realized that we are all musically inclined.

This served me nice and fine. The chief immediately was more interested in me. Probably the fact that I had stayed over two nights to take care of a patient worked in my favour as well. This means a lot to me. Now, I'll probably get more chances at the OT to assist in major surgeries.

I was very happy about the way things worked out on that day; so happy that I was humming my songs throughout. Even though I was feeling sleepy, I stayed back longer making sure everything was okay with our patients. This was highly 'rewarding'; I was able to assist the hot plastic surgeon in changing a patient's dressing. For a whole 20 minutes. It was great. But he is going to another college in a week's time.

Today evening, I might get a chance to assist a big surgery. I've to go to the hospital to check on that. The other patient who needed monitoring has been shifted to the ICU. That means I can sleep well at home today.

I'll complete the new poem, which is still untitled, tomorrow. See you then.

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