500 kilometres of fun

The place I live in a is certainly wonderful to travel around in. Today, along with four college mates of mine, I went to attend the wedding reception of another college mate. Even though we travelled in a Maruti 800 and despite its stimulation of our claustrophobic tendencies, we enjoyed it to the full.

Normally, I don't enjoy such trips too much. Probably this was enjoyable because there was lots of entertainment floating around in conversations; jokes, eccentric personalities, goof-ups etc. Even though Ray was around, we couldn't flaunt the kind of freedom, which we are so used to now, to discuss older men and gay issues because we weren't out to this group of friends.

I even felt attracted to my college mate who is one year older than myself. Attracted in the gay sense perhaps. No sexual feelings. Just plain attraction to his personality. Very interesting indeed. Last of my crushes was on a 40 year old man. Is my infatuation for men of a particular age on the way out?

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Engayging Life has moved to WordPress

Engayging Life has fully moved to WordPress

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