The Tsunami relief jinx

Something that happened while I was on the relief trip to the Tsunami affected areas is still bugging me. While we were listening to the stories from the victims about their losses, I was not particularly moved. The others who were with me seemed to related more to their sufferings. More like sympathizing. I seemed to be more interested in visulalizing the physical force of such a destructive wave. I would like to think that I was empathizing than sympathizing. After all, that is what they teach you in med school - You should never sympathize with a patient. Instead, empathize.

1 comment:

Fahad said...

Sometimes when one is confronted with something too painful and hard to take then one can block the feelings of sympathy. Basically, you might not want to consciously deal with something that destructive in human terms.

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Engayging Life has fully moved to WordPress

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