Depression encore

Another hopeless day passed by. After being insulted again and again through out the day, I'm feeling very bad about everything. Again the whole 'decision making' thing is up for analysis. But I can't understand why such bad things are happening to me and only me.

Imagine, 2 years ago, the same time of the year. I was being considered as the most sincere and impressive junior in my hospital. Now, I'm just considered like a useless servant.

Why should it happen so? What have I done so drastically different from that time and now to make my life such a misery?

The only thing that is happy today is that Xander came to the hospital for some tests. He's having another bout of Malaria. Today he came with his girl friend G. I was so happy to see him and hear his jokes.

Isn't it really sad to realize that you are feeling happy in seeing a friend who is sick. That shows how bad your general state of affairs is.

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