Physically unattractive?

I have a big problem. I think I am being neglected/ignored by far too many persons whom I know in real life. This has been happening to me from the time I can remember. And I do not enjoy it. Not even a bit. And it hurts.

Take the case of this friend’s wedding I attended recently. I happened to be one of only TWO friends of his attending the wedding at a city far away from our home. I was with the marriage party for close to two whole days. And I am relatively tall enough to be noted by any interested onlooker.

On the reception at my home town a couple of days after the actual wedding ceremony, I had the displeasure of being introduced by my Mom and Dad to the bridegroom’s family. They seemed to simply think that I was meeting them for the first time. Funny that I should know so much about four of them and none of them even remembered me. Okay, I might not be very attractive physically. But that should at least make them aware of my presence I guess.

This happens time and again, day in day out in my life. Today, when Ray, Chuck and I went to a restaurant to have lunch, a colleague of ours spent 10 long minutes catching up with my friends while not even bothering to look at my face. Maybe I HAVE a horrible face.

One reason why I’m so e-active is because I get more attention online than I can ever hope to get in real life. Take this blog as an example—At least 5 persons who I have not met in real life go through this blog everyday. Some of them even bother to comment about me and my life. The reason perhaps is that they don’t need to visualize me during this process.

Facts are facts and they must be accepted as they are. But they hurt, and hurt badly. I think I'm going to need some plastic surgery to improve my social skills.


Anonymous said...

Now this is something I cannot digest from a rational thinker like you, atleast that is what I have gathered about you in the past few days that you have become like a habit to me.
It was me who commented on your looks, Is it true that pictures can be so deceptive ? No, I do not want to beleive that...I do not want to add more to what I feel but reiterate that you look very good to my eyes and a special mention about that smile.
Do not bring your self-esteem down. Why should you care about a few jerks here and there who ignore you, think of those like me who have found you charming. Will you please look into the mirror and flash that smile and say " I look good and there are people who say so".
You are right many of us turn to e- acquaintances , thay could lead to becoming good friends.
If you can communicate so well, I feel your social skills cannot be challenged. And no kind of plastic surgery please!

Jalal said...

Hmmmmmmmmm, this post is SO gay.

Kris Bass said...
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Kris Bass said...

JK, thanks for the comments. I'm very curious to know about your identity now. And Jalal, we *are SO gay!

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