The joy of instant information

Yesterday's mystery has been partially solved. From what my friend suggests, the concept of man descending from the Dwarves is there in some mythologies. More specifically, the Nordic mythology (a.k.a. Norse mythology). For those who don't have a clue of what this is, it is the mythology originating from Germany. I have not yet found reference to this link. But that ain't the point. With the British Council library providing online access to the Encyclopaedia Brittannica and Oxford Reference to it's members, internet has become very useful to many like myself. Now I can look up anything that I don't understand at possibly the best knowledge bank available. Reading books, watching movies etc. has changed since this facility became available. For example, I learnt that the Harmonica comes in two types - Diatonic and Chromatic. The one which I started playing about a week is of the former type in C. This is so much fun!

I'm very excited about the fact that "Promises" is listener friendly. Most of my friends who have listened to it are happy about the song. This makes me wonder if I should devote most of the free time that I'm having currently to songwriting instead of having fun watching movies, hanging out etc. But then, artists should not be deprived of their sources of inspiration! Could somebody passover my 'issues list'? The insatiable craving for amusement today meant that I don't have any time to start on a new song.

Today's movie was "Harry Potter - The Prisoner of Azkaban" at the city's best theatre. It was my first experience with Rowling's work both in print or screen. I thought the story was a bit of a drag and the acting not up to standard. Screenplay could have been a lot better. But the best part of the movie was it's Animated parts. I really think that movies like "Hellboy", "Day After Tomorrow" and this Harry Potter movie have raised the standards of animation in Hollywood from the critically backed "highs" in "Spiderman". Honestly, I don't think the animationg in Spidrman was all that good. I'm referring to the jumps and landings in the film which look highly artificial. In this Harry Potter movie, the animation featuring "the Buck Peak" was simply breathtaking.

Coming off the topic of movies and back to my personal life which is taking a gently swing, I spent some quality time talking about topics from Profession to marriage with a couple of friends from college. This is something which I wouldn't even have imagined a couple of years back. Now I want to spend more time like this. Although I still suspect it has got something to do with the delectable variety of the Older Men on display at the locations where we choose to hang out, this is remarkable if you have been a friend of mine in the last five years.

Another thing which I must note down is that I'm feeling very good about my right wrist these days. I played a whole badminton game with a friend of mine today without even feeling the slightest discomfort. If you are wondering why I should be mentioning this, I had sustained a sprain about a month and half back and couldn't even lift a glass of water using my right hand about 3 weeks back.

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Engayging Life has moved to WordPress

Engayging Life has fully moved to WordPress

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