Old friends, new place

Before I left my home town, I had worries about continuing the wonderful relationships that I have been having with my closest friends Dr. R., Ray, Chuck, May etc. I spent a lot of time talking to them about this. Everyone tried to console me saying that we can catch up over phone.

It's been about a week and a half since I came here and I can already feel the strain in the phone conversations. Especially with Dr. R. I mean, if we sit facing each other we could have conversations for hours about practically anything. Through the phone, the conversation is so superficial.

'Hey Dr. R., how are you?,

'I'm fine and you?

'Yeah, I'm great. Enjoying the city. It is so beautiful. I wish you were here to see it.

< *PAUSE* >

I say 'Come on tell me what's up there?'

'Nothing much. The usual things.'

'Come on, talk something more. Didn't I tell you that phone convos are doomed.'

'Don't you know that I can't speak just like that. I have to see you to open out.'


'Okay then, I'll call you later.'

Isn't this insane?


Anonymous said...

hi Kris
Anyways you hated telephonic conversations! Remember you told me so. Where are you now? Mumbai?


Kris Bass said...

Yeah, I'm in Mumbai right now. Enjoying it!

Engayging Life has moved to WordPress

Engayging Life has fully moved to WordPress

Yes, I am alive and I'm still blogging. Regularly. But on WordPress because offers an easier workflow for me. Here is a selection of wh...