Another wicked wicked blow

During the afternoon, I was feeling rather down. So I thought I will hang out with Dr. R. and another couple of friends. Although we hung out, I was still bluesy. And then I went home.

Later on in the evening, we had a class at the hospital. There, something really bitchy wicked filthy happened.

A couple of fellow residents started spreading rumors that Dr. R. and I were in a sexual relationship. Even though they were trying to pull our legs, I felt really bad. They used the terms pedophilia and gerontophilia and even postulated that the reason Dr. R. had asked me to have my lower set of braces (dental) removed for a better 'fellatio' experience.

Chuck too was surprised about this turn of events. Now I fucken don't know what to do.

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Engayging Life has moved to WordPress

Engayging Life has fully moved to WordPress

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