After a gap

Today, finally I got some time to type something on my blog. If you are asking me why I haven't yet found time, I don't know why? I don't have a clue as to why I've not been finding time to even see Victor once after our two dates. That has been bugging me so much that I don't know what to do. Thankfully, I just had a chat conversation with him and he's being very kind to me. We are planning to meet this weekend. Lets hope things work out well.

Otherwise, amazing stuff at music. We've been jamming regularly. But not without issues. Conflict of ideas as usual always is there when creativity flows. But still, we are doing well. Xander is dating G. regularly these days. S., who has the nick 'EBoy' (for enormous boy; 6 foot 3 inches and the boyish looks), amazes us every day with his amazing sleep routine - about 16 hours in a day - like a cat!

And I've not yet started on my academics. That will start now. Everything has to happen together in my life now - Music, dating and studies. Or else, I would have to think of myself as a loser!

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Engayging Life has moved to WordPress

Engayging Life has fully moved to WordPress

Yes, I am alive and I'm still blogging. Regularly. But on WordPress because offers an easier workflow for me. Here is a selection of wh...