I strive for happiness - over 50

Two years or so back, I had blogged about gerontophobia. I received some interesting responses to that post. I guess it was my way to announce to the world my feelings about being attracted to older men.

Now, I have found the reason why I'm attracted to older men - because they are happy - or lets say "happier" than people younger! A recently concluded study at the Stony Brook University says that happiness begins at the age of 50. You can read more about the study here. Here is the TOI Op-Ed page article which supports the claim.

So, I'm well on my way to finding happiness! What about you?


Robin said...

Glad to hear that you are on the "Happy" path...although i kind of disagree with what you've stated - older men being more happy than the younger ones....is it about the age or about your attitude towards life. I think i have made my point!

Kris Bass said...

Robin - well, that's exactly what the article is also referring to. Older men get adjusted to life better and are more contented. :)

Stuti said...

I find myself attracted to older men, and it just happens! My first year at college was spent stalking a professor who was well over 50 years of age. Even now, I find myself instinctively falling for a strong, very well read older man.

My reason is perhaps that I find most men my age to be very immature (yes, yes, I am talking in a cliche, but also from experience). Of course, my preoccupation with older men makes me happy, but I do not necessarily think all older men are happier. Some are in fact far more miserable than they were ever.

Sorry for the novel!

Engayging Life has moved to WordPress

Engayging Life has fully moved to WordPress

Yes, I am alive and I'm still blogging. Regularly. But on WordPress because offers an easier workflow for me. Here is a selection of wh...