Anatomy Department

I found this amazingly stupid message board hanging in front of the Anatomy Dissection hall. This has got to be the worst ever caption ever made to grab the attention of teenager joining med school. I mean, look at it.

For those who don't understand - 'atmi' is supposed to be the 'soul' in Hindi. Worser than that, 'atmi' could be a spin-off of 'admi' meaning 'person' in hindi. The prefix 'an' in Hindi means 'the opposite of'. Now take a look at it again!

Don't you feel like puking?
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Marigold said...

Y'know, atmi also could be from the Greek for "essential". And "an-" is the greek prefix for without, or lacking.

Most scientific terminolgy in English is derived from Latin or Greek, not Hindu. :)

Mr. ChaotiX said...

...and new age wise people have creepy names like MariGold!!!....Pooof!!!

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