The Circles of Life

The gig at Hyderabad was wonderful. It felt really good to be performing on a big stage in front of a sizeable audience. But even more important for me was my life had completed a circle - one that had started in Y2K.

Back then, I was in Kerala, was in my Final year of MBBS and I had been playing guitars for a couple of years. S. was studying in Kochi and I had gone to visit him. S. took me to meet his friends from the band named Evergreen. We had gone up to their rehearsal pad - a room on the fourth floor of the building in construction that had been converted into a cozy jam pad.

I still remember standing (and in due course, sitting) in awe at the professionalism with which the band was doing their rehearsing. The drummer sounded like a metronome, the guitarists were playing on fucking huge amps, and the bassist was trying to pen in some lines - right in front of me!

I was mesmerized by what I saw and was inspired enough to make me feel that I too needed to reach this level of musicianship and professionalism. This, somehow coincided with the demise of the music TV channels from not just my life, but from our entire generation.


Thankfully, I found an immensely satisfying replacement in WorldSpace, the satellite radio service that had infiltrated majorly into my life. I was a big fan of - I still am - the modern rock station BOB. I was listening to Linkin Park, Nickelback (the good old days of the Canadian band), and Coldplay.

Around the same time, I heard a compilation CD called the Great Indian Rock. That CD featured the song PSP 12'' by the band Zero. That was the first time that I had fallen in love with an Indian alternative rock song. It reminded me of what Indian rock music could do – make groovy modern rock. Suddenly, things fell into place. I wanted to write songs like that - I did actually, not quite the same standard, but that's beside the point - some of them are online!

That song was written by the drummer of the band - the multi-talented musician/comedian, Sidd Coutto. Ironically, I hadn't realized that until really late, from the horse's mouth actually, on one night when he was performing at a gig in Mumbai this year.

Now, how does the friggin' circle get completed?

At the Hyderabad gig, I performed on the same stage with both Evergreen and Sidd Coutto (with the band Ankur Tewari and the Ghalat Family). Not only did I perform, I drank, ate, fooled around - all with my rock idols, who inspired me to be what I am.

Now, isn't that sweet!

I'd like to take this opportunity to credit all the idols/icons who I've performed/played with or shared the stage with, in the order idol-hood attainment:

  • Rex Vijayan (Avial, former Motherjane)
  • Sunil and Evergreen (the entire band band)
  • Sidd Coutto, Bobby Talwar, Rajiv Talwar (from Zero)
  • Jai Row Kavi, Johan Pais, Sidd Coutto (Helga's Fun Castle)
  • Teemer Chimulkar, Aniket Waghmode, Janus Sayal, Gilroy Fernandez(Sceptre)
  • ZomB Menon, Sheldon Dixon (Metakix)
  • Tony John, Rex Vijayan, Mithun Puthenveetil, Naresh Kamath (Avial)

Thank you all for inspiring me me and making me realize my dreams. I hope I can inspire someone to be/do something someday. I'd love to be tagged if you decided to write about it!


Yadhu Krishna said...

You know what.... I have no idea about this music or almost anything you write about... (Yeah... sorry) But I still read your blog regularly.... for that matter I read it over and over when I am depressed.... When I think I have no aim in life and and.... in many many other occasions.

And doesn't that mean that you are so inspiring!!!

Kris Bass said...

Thanks for writing to me. It does mean a lot to me that you find respite in my writings (through the blog). That did bring a smile to my face.


Rakesh said...

Isn't Jai Row Kavi Ashok's brother's son?

Rita said...

Well, enjoy the good feelings while you can & thank you for sharing them with us. That was inspiring! :)
From reading your blog I can say you'll soon have something you call it, "lament" about.
So maybe I can inspire you a little...

You said:
"I have self-esteem issues and am pathologically approval/attention-seeking and depressive."
It's good you also have drive & ambition & are not satisfied easily with small successes, obviously you do get things done. These traits, counter those traits that you see as negative. I've struggled with bouts of depression my whole life. I've learned to make use of the times I am up, energetic & productive & see beyond the times when I am down in the dumps (down in the dumps does not adequately describe the hell of severe depression, as we know).
Don't lose heart when you are "down in the dumps", because as you get older you'll learn to leash those inner demons(figuratively speaking)& enjoy inner peace with yourself. Life is about learning to live with yourself, after all.

& this:
"Now, I'm staring down the hill, with the best part of my life over, with very few memories that I can cherish and carry forward."

Please! You are nowhere near finished with life.

Kris Bass said...

@ Rakesh: Yes, he is.

@ Rita: It's a pleasure to read such comments on my blog. When I'm depressive, I have very shady gray light hanging just above my head. I'm standing in a vast open space and the shadows are as long as they could be.

Rakesh said...

Gosh, time flies. I'd seen him as a little kid about 15 yrs ago.

Kris Bass said...

Time flies! :)

Engayging Life has moved to WordPress

Engayging Life has fully moved to WordPress

Yes, I am alive and I'm still blogging. Regularly. But on WordPress because offers an easier workflow for me. Here is a selection of wh...