Hell's back

If I thought that my life would become better when I become a senior, I am wrong. Totally. The betterness is directly related to the quality of the juniors that someone has. In my case, there is no quality.

For the last three days, I have done most of the stuff that I have been doing in the last year (my housemanship). In return, I got sleep deprivation, hunger and more scoldings from my seniors. Why? Because my seniors think that I'm inefficient because my juniors don't work.

That does make sense. NOT TO ME! TO THEM!

I was so depressed three days back after one of my surgeries turned out to be a lot below par. The Xrays showed a badly reduced fracture with a offset plate. Added to that, my miserable, restless life - I felt like quitting it all.

T. helped me pep up myself a little. But still, I can't reason why I should lead such a miserable life.

How I wish I had some support where I could pursue my music after leaving everything else in life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look life has its ups n downs so cheerup friend

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