A great weekend coming up

I maintain a website for my batchmates from college. The last three days, I spent a few hours with a paranoid friend of mine updating the site. It was a big drag. But I had to do it because most of my college mates seem to remember me for this website that I made. I don't know why it is like this to me. Very rarely do I get to be remembered for who I am instead of what I did.

I'm going to my friend's wedding this weekend. I'll be away from home for two days. It is the first time that I'm going to travel with Ray who is also coming along. I hope we have a nice time drooling over hot Muslim Dads at the wedding.

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Engayging Life has moved to WordPress

Engayging Life has fully moved to WordPress

Yes, I am alive and I'm still blogging. Regularly. But on WordPress because offers an easier workflow for me. Here is a selection of wh...